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Audio editing on Intel Macs


Long time since an update - been hectic fun busy. Currently getting ready for railsday2006.

I needed to edit an audio track on my new Mac Intel and after trawling through Audacity, Amadeus and more - all of them are PPC only, slow to update and not great. Tried GarageBand which I love, but it's not great for zooming in and editing microsecond cues.

Step forward Sound Studio 3 from Freeverse - a fantastic editing app for just getting down and dirty with audio files, seperates left and right channels, and is great for podcast editing. The other really big attraction is the automator addins - if you need to pre/post-pend audio signon/signoff for podcasts or clean up a library of audio (eg, interviews) for example, then the monbots are for you - great icons too. :)

The price point is a bit high at $79.95, I think it has a $30-50 price point, but either way if you need a usable audio editing tool with a friendly interface then sound studio is for you....

disclaimer: I have not been paid to give this review - just software I've picked up.

technorati tags » audio editing soundstudio freeverse

Working big: ACM interviews Werner Vogels of Amazon


In a past job, I worked for a startup e-commerce firm. The architecture was management not customer driven (it was a battle to even get permission to interact with customers and solicit feedback). The structure came from ideas, concepts but not planning: the end result was meaningless and frustrating.

I remember having a conversation with the not-much-older-than-I Managing Director. I had been researching some potential vendor and raised the name with my boss. Yes, he said - "This company are our biggest competitor". I neglected to mention we hadn't sold our product to a proper external client at that time and this competitor was powering some of the country's biggest blue chip names, and instead focused on the company I believed was the bigger and most dangerous competitor: Amazon.

So I responded - "have you considered Amazon?" he dismissed the idea - "don't be silly, amazon just sells dvds and books - it's a web store not an ecommerce platform!" It was about this time that I realized he was a moron.

The thing is - Amazon is the biggest threat to e-commerce developers. It's also their saving grace - they just don't know it yet.

Continue reading "Working big: ACM interviews Werner Vogels of Amazon" »

technorati tags » amazon acm wernervogels ecommerce

Mac Online Gambling: How to Gamble Online with Apple


We scope out the best online gambling sites for Apple Mac users with the most extensive range of games on the net. If being able to enjoy gambling in Canada is your thing, the Canada Casino Online sites behold easy and seamless gaming for players who are keen on playing online poker and sports betting on their Macs. Learn how you can safely use software such as Boot Camp to run PC-based online gambling clients on your Mac. This option opens an entirely new world of options when you want to gamble online at home. You will be gambling online for real money in no time. Read the reviews of our top Mac gambling sites and earn yourself the best online deposit bonus today!

Online gambling from a Mac isn't only a convenient option to enter the entertainment ring; it gives you a lot of ways to enjoy your favorite gambling games. If you want to know how to do poker, play in an online casino, or place some sports bets from your Mac, read along to find out all about gambling online from a Mac.

About William Hill Betting


William Hill is the largest bookmaker in the UK. The company was founded by William Hill, after whom it was subsequently named. The main offices are located in London and Leeds, the head office is in Gibraltar. Reliability, financial stability and law-abiding are the main characteristic features of the William Hill casino and sportbook.

Online Gambling Laws and Punishment in India


The legality of online gambling is considerably varied across the country. There were separate laws and regulations on gambling running into various states for a very long time; then, came the Central Public Gambling Act  (hereinafter referred to as The Act). It subsequently pronounced all forms of gambling illegal in India, while also giving a definition between games of chance and games of skill. Thus, betting could be instituted on games of skill, while the ambiguity still hovered above what constituted a game of skill. Cricket, for one, is not a game of skill. But lotteries and horse-race betting still manage to remain legal. The above shows how the lines between game of skill and game of chance got blurred, without proper guidelines.

Spel om pengar online i Sverige


När det talas om spelrättigheter räknas Sverige bland de länder som inte har några restriktioner – en situation som möjliggjordes av landets spelreglering. Spelmyndigheterna stödjer dock starkt lotterier, som snabbt sprider sig i hela landet och flera andra nordiska länder.

How do Casinos Battle Fraud and Cheating?


With billions at stake, casinos face unique security challenges, from scams and money laundering to other criminal activities, driven by the large sums of money circulating within. A quick search reveals numerous examples of these issues, from a recent incident involving a man stealing $13K in chips to a high-profile case where a man stole $1 million by impersonating a casino owner. These examples underscore the critical importance of strong security measures.

Payment Processing and Security in Sports Betting Apps


Looking for the best resources on payment processing and security in sports betting apps that cover the nitty gritty?  Do you need a reliable guide on how to ensure that the bookie is safe to use and users are adequately protected? If yes, then this blog post is perfect for you.

Blogs & Social Media Forum - Opening Session


When you get switched on people running conferences about this new space we've carved out for ourselves, you end up with a useful conference. Euan Semple has kicked off the forum today with the reasons why we're here and how to get the most out of social media. The thing is - we're not sitting here and being told stuff we may already know - we're pushing through panels, breakouts and table discussions: learn by the experience of your peers.

An interesting comment from Raymond Jordan - VP Comms. Johnson & Johnson in this brief as to why he's here (paraphrased):

"It's easier for us to quantify our social media output: we have zero active internal blogs. We have zero active external blogs, and two wikis. Maybe."

Going to be keeping an eye on Jordan - I think he'll have some interesting tips as to why traditional enterprise is slow and hard to pick this up...

technorati tags » blogsandsocialmediaforum euansemple loiclemeur

video blogging: an aggregration


please welcome: vlo.gs!

technorati tags » vlog vblog videoblog aggregrator technorati

Checking Out AJAX generated code


Often times when you are generating html code and injecting it into a page, you can't always see what code has been generated by your backend machinations. The following snippet of code will enable you to have a button on the page which, when clicked, will reveal the code of the element you're debugging. Requires the prototype library.

Update: This may also be useful - AJAX Spy

technorati tags » ajax rails javascript html

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