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MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | BBC unveils radical revamp of website

April 26, 2006

MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | BBC unveils radical revamp of website:

.... and I was so almost ready to apply to the BBC for a job....

The BBC have lost their way somewhat and are taking charter renewal a bit too seriously. Jowell has signed off, so really the appropriate thing is to pipe down, implement the least offensive of the proposals and continue to justify the license fee by producing excellent content, week in, week out.

Ashley Highfield sees it differently, as he describes bbc.co.uk 2.0:

Mr Highfield said the share concept would allow users to "create your own space and to build bbc.co.uk around you", encouraging them to launch ther own blogs and post home videos on the site.

The BBC is also running a competition to revamp the bbc.co.uk 2.0 website, asking the public to redesign the homepage to "exploit the fuctionality and usability of services such as Flickr, YouTube, Technorati and Wikipedia".

(by way of Media Guardian)

Note to Mr Highfield:The general population hasn't gotten this stuff yet - not in the massive big way that would be required for a bbc push in this direction to make sense. Focus on the core objectives: make your site more usable, improve access to your library - the mashups will come to you.

(failing that, I'm sure Yahoo! Media might be persuaded to put in a bid....)

bbc revamp web2.0 sharing wikipedia mashups

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