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Cocoaforge - holding page site up

I have been 'running' cocoaforge for over a couple years now, and not quite gotten around to making any kind of contact point -- well that's all come to an end, as I am proud to present the official...

Posted in change inertia on April 19, 2006 07:10 AM

Getting Permission

First of all - skype makes distributed working a reality. It really has crossed a void -- and more and more every day I find I rely on skype - wow.

Posted in change inertia on March 6, 2006 11:49 PM

VC 2.01

I just read Rick Segal's post about vc2.0 part two, and I wanted to clarify some areas I hadn't really touched on yet.... I'm involved in a pre-seed project right now where we've been requested to give info and then told “We want to invest, but you need to prove yourself with users first”.

Posted in change inertia on January 30, 2006 02:11 AM

Disruptive Capital - or how to make funding better

From an entrepreneur's perspective, more often than not we need the baggage attached to a capital investment, be it seed or vc.... have the contacts to grow the business (even if those contacts are not directly in the area of interest; more often than not, you will have them by talking to cool people, blogging about the right stuff and so on).

Posted in change inertia on January 29, 2006 04:09 PM

Vazu Pimped by the AP

Vazu recently just launched a new couple of products - one to send residential/business listings and one to send 'any-old-text' - both to your cell phone. This is coupled with their previous web-to-cell service for contacts. Very cool tools!...

Posted in change inertia on September 11, 2004 01:09 AM

My Resumé

Someone mentioned i would be well advised to post my resumé online. Since I am all for the simplicity in posting content - via my weblog - choosing this outlet is my best bet. (Plus i haven't updated my blog...

Posted in change inertia on May 18, 2004 03:32 AM

Linked-In Spam

Linked in sent me some spam today - From: [email protected] Subject: Scott Bean, CEO of Mad Software is Linked-In Date: 16 April 2004 02:12:43 BST To: Hi, This is Scott Bean from Mad Software. A manager at Microsoft has recently...

Posted in change inertia on April 16, 2004 02:28 AM

Synchronizing your Cellphone and Contacts

A new tool is in beta testing right now which allows you to synchronize your Address Book with your phone contacts. Simply sign up with the service, register your phone and then start sending your contacts. Great service to keep...

Posted in change inertia on February 25, 2004 09:49 PM

Application Interop

I recieved my new phone (a Sony Ericsson t610) yesterday. Today (at 1:30am) I got my contacts imported....

Posted in change inertia on August 29, 2003 02:05 AM

Peer Info (Wrox/Glasshaus/Friends Of Ed)

Further Peer info updates/urls: employ former peer workers.. join the discussion groups starting up... glasshaus blog... fresh from blogs.. (via early blog about it.. el reg... another blog quoting the same mail.. Also, if you worked on a book...

Posted in change inertia on March 17, 2003 10:03 PM